Disney Legend Rolly Crump’s Autobiography
It’s Kind of a Cute Story by Rolly Crump and
Jeff Heimbuch is now available at all major book sellers, such as Amazon, and the Bamboo Forest Publishing website.
You can also purchase signed, limited edition prints of Rolly's artwork at http://www.bambooforestpublishing.com/

Roland Fargo Crump
began his career at Walt Disney Studio as an "In-Betweener" in Animation at the age of twenty-two. The Studio offered a wealth of opportunity to the young artist. His fascination with propellers led to a display in the Studio Library. Walt was intrigued by the colorful, spinning objects and the artist who developed them. He moved Rolly out of Animation and into what was then WED (the original Imagineering company) and he became one of the first Disney Imagineers. The little propellers became the inspiration for the Tower of the Four Winds which he designed for 'It's a Small World' attraction at the 1964 World's Fair. Roland Fargo Crump began his career at Walt Disney Studio as an "In-Betweener" in Animation at the age of twenty-two. The Studio offered a wealth of opportunity to the young artist. His fascination with propellers led to a display in the Studio Library. Walt was intrigued by the colorful, spinning objects and the artist who developed them. He moved Rolly out of Animation and into what was then WED (the original Imagineering company) and he became one of the first Disney Imagineers. The little propellers became the inspiration for the Tower of the Four Winds which he designed for 'It's a Small World' attraction at the 1964 World's Fair.
Rolly's Disney career spanned more that 40 years with a few interruptions. During those interruptions he created his own companies and worked on projects around the world. In 2004 Rolly was honored with the Walt Disney Legends Award-----a prestigious award that acknowledges those outstanding individuals who helped create the Magic of Disney.